1916年Pusey首先在一中國學生臉上發現,由Ota教授在1938年正式發表此種色素性母斑。主要分佈在三叉神經第一與第二分枝區域的真皮層內,是一種在眼窩周圍皮膚的Blue Nevus。約有一半的人會有眼睛的侵犯至結膜、鞏膜、虹膜、脈絡膜、外眼肌甚至於眼窩都可能侵犯到造成兩眼色素沉著的差異。色素沉著的多寡對眼睛的機能並無影響。
此種胎記治療目前以雷射治療大多能得到良好效果,但須多次療程。每個個案色素深度不一,但大多以紅寶石雷射或亞歷山大雷射都能達到不錯效果。若色素真的是很深的深沈色素斑,以前面兩種雷射都處理不了,再以1064nm-Q開關性銣雅克雷射(Q-switched Nd:YAG)處理。
<< 免責聲明:療程效果因人而異,不保證結果絕對相同 >>
1. 請教醫療專業,做精確的診斷,判斷胎記對身體的影響、及去除的可能性
2. 尋找專門的輔導團體,他們會給你各方面的協助,及生活、心理上的建議。
3. 不要畏縮,努力與親友、學校溝通,別人一定會還給你善意的對待。
4. 可以使用美容化妝技巧修飾外觀,許多胎記專用的遮暇膏,在必要時使用。
5. 做好心理調適,充分的自信可以散發美麗,與病友聯繫也可以互相扶持。
SKINmed: Dermatology for the Clinician Volume 2, Issue 2, Pages 89-98 Published Online: 21 Jun 2007
<< 免責聲明:療程效果因人而異,不保證結果絕對相同 >>
<< 免責聲明:療程效果因人而異,不保證結果絕對相同 >>
Laser Surgery. With the introduction of selective photothermolysis in 1983, 33 the use of the Q-switched (QS) laser has revolutionized the treatment of this condition (Figure 8 A & B). These systems provide high-energy radiation with short pulse durations, thus allowing the selective destruction of the target melanocytes. Goldberg and Nychay 34 and Geronemus 35 were among the first to report the use of QS ruby lasers to treat nevus of Ota. The clinical efficacy of the QS ruby laser (QS ruby) was later confirmed in a study of 114 nevus of Ota patients who had been treated with a QS ruby 36 The study demonstrated that a good to excellent degree of lightening was achieved after three or more treatment sessions. The side effects were few, with transient hyperpigmentation after the first treatment being the most commonly encountered adverse effect. QS alexandrite and QS 1064 nm neodymium: yttrium-aluminum-garnet (QS 1064 Nd:YAG) were also used successfully for the removal of nevus of Ota. 37,38 Studies comparing the use of QS alexandrite and QS 1064 Nd:YAG lasers found that most patients showed a better tolerance for the former rather than the latter as a treatment modality. 39 However, the QS 1064 Nd:YAG laser was shown to be more effective than the QS alexandrite in the lightening of nevus of Ota after three or more laser treatment sessions. 40 In terms of complications, hypopigmentation was common, especially among those who were treated with the QS ruby. 41,42 The alternate use of QS alexandrite and QS 1064 Nd:YAG in different treatment sessions was also associated with a higher risk of complication. 41 The condition could also recur in patients with complete clearing after laser treatment. 43 The risk of such recurrence is estimated to be between 0.6%–1.2%. This is particularly important for children with nevus of Ota, as early treatment has been the standard practice. Early treatment, leading to complete clearance before school, can mean avoiding the childhood psychological trauma that is associated with the cosmetic disfigurement of the nevus. This advantage must now be weighed against the risk of recurrence and the stress that is associated with multiple sessions of laser surgery.